So 105 Posts & One Year Later

FIRST YEAR OF SUCCESS Yes you read that right, 105 posts and one year later, Friday marks the first year of JustNatonya! My blog was launched May 17, 2018 and it has been a rewarding journey so far. I made some genuine relationships in the blogging community along with gaining a few brand collaborations. Writing…

How to Become a Better Writer through a Simply Daily Routine

STRENGTHENING MY SKILLS Today’s to-do list contains sitting at my laptop and typing away endless thoughts like Carrie Bradshaw. I always admired how every word in her articles meant something. All her viewpoints delivered an extraordinary concept, which transformed her questions into thought-provoking conversations. Carrie’s in-depth opinions stirred new emotions and directed minds to different…

How to Write Blog Posts/Articles Faster

ORGANIZING THOUGHTS & IDEAS Content creators maneuver through ideas daily sorting information rapidly sometimes leaving a mind filled with inspiring concepts but incomplete thoughts. Nowadays, technological advances pave ways to establish relevant content more efficiently by allowing easier adaption of our ideas from the mind to paper or digital apps. As a creative writer, I’m…

5 Day Digital Detox Taught Me 2 Lessons

INTERNET BREAK Waking up and grabbing your phone off the bedside table before morning coffee pushes you into a whirlwind of finger scrolling. Not too long after reading last night’s missed text, Instagram feeds light up your screen with a forty-minute journey to liking photos and following accounts. My morning routine doesn’t consist of scrolling…