Make Movie Nights with Mama Moore


Just imagine your favorite desserts package into one portable size bundle you could easily eat a handful of…banana pudding, s’mores or oreos. Delicious bites into your mouth not only satisfying but all natural. My experience with Mama Moore’s Gourmet Popcorn lifted my ban of never eating kernels again. Here’s how…

As soon as she walked in, she pulled from her purse two bags of popcorn. My eyes were set on the two different types of chocolate coatings. I was hesitant because I DON’T like popcorn. Whenever I tell people popcorn isn’t my style, they give me the same bizarre face when I say, “I’m a fashionista but I never seen The Devil Wears Prada”.

My sister is a popcorn devotee, she is always perked to finding the latest gourmet shops that kick kernels up a notch.

I had to stay loyal to our mission, Sisters Who Lunch is all about my sis and I trying new local tasty treats and dishes, so I grabbed two pieces and hoped for the best. Immediately my mouth was flustered with burst of flavors, melting quite nicely was the soft sweet blend of Ebony and Ivory.


I grabbed more but this time it was a handful, I was hooked the same way I am when ULTA gives me a 20% discount in my email. I may not be a beauty guru but I don’t waste coupons. I tasted the white cheddar, which made potato chips non-existent in my mind. Mama Moore’s white cheddar popcorn gives potato chips tough competition.

Popcorn is a healthy alternative for those who are watching their intake to potato chips or crisps.

Literally two days later, I had to see this new gourmet shop for myself. When I walked, I was greeted by Mama Moore herself and let me just describe her after 5 minutes of meeting: dedicated, genuine and kind.

We had a lovely conversation about her sweet-savory kernels, I sampled some flavors and we discussed the power of social media. I even revealed to her that I initially don’t like popcorn but after my sister encouraged me to try, Mama Moore’s is the only popcorn I’ll eat. I bought flavors of Ebony & Ivory, Salted Caramel, Cheddar and White Cheddar.

Moore pops fresh kernels daily by hand with fresh rich but natural ingredients such as coconut oil, pink Himalayan salt and dark chocolate. The company handcrafts their popcorn and has 20 different flavors for you to choose.

I want to go back and try some of the other unique flavors:

  • Premium Collection:
    • Grasshopper
    • Lemon Pound Cake
  • Savory Collection:
    • Wild West Wings & Ranch
    • Sea Salt & Cracked Black Pepper

This post isn’t sponsored just me serving you a dish filled with honesty but inspiration to get out in your cities or nearby neighborhoods and try something new, so liberating to explore.

What type of popcorn do you like? If you don’t eat popcorn what satisfies your need for the ultimate crunch?

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27 Comments Add yours

  1. Greatness Reinvented says:

    OMG that popcorn looks divine. Need to get some over to The UK.

    GR |


    1. justnatonya says:

      It’s one of the best!


  2. Ahhhh! I love popcorn! This sounds so yummy.

    A Sparkle Of Grace

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I’m into to popcorn now! It was very yummy! Catching up on your posts soon 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. willowmay20 says:

    I love popcorn!! And my gosh does this look divine! Does she post to the UK??!! 😀 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      O I’m not sure, I hope she does!!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. willowmay20 says:

        Will have to check it out 😁💜

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh man that looks yummy! I’m not a big popcorn eater but would defo love to try some of these 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Mama Moore’s popcorn definitely shifted my original thoughts on kernels lol!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. alice_kbsld says:

    Looks sooooo tasty!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thanks Alice, I enjoyed it so much 🙂


  6. makeuparmor says:

    This looks so goooood. I had such a craving for popcorn the other night and this would have been so satisfying! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      It’s extremely satisfying!


  7. Chanel Medford says:

    Best popcorn!!! It’s so good!!!! Let’s go back soon! 😋😋😋

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I enjoyed it so much! Ok, let’s go back!


  8. hudapervez says:

    After reading this, I am craving popcorns so bad! I love savory sweet popcorns and girl, I would be giving you a weird look too if you told me you don’t like popcorns haha! I’m glad your sister made you love them! 😅💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      LOL!! Huda, I know everyone thinks my taste buds are off when I say I don’t like popcorn but yes my little sis convinced me so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I loveeeee popcorn! Anything with a crunch and tasty is my life! I do love me a good mix of salty and sweet to be honest!

    Jessica & James | /

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hey you can’t go wrong with a perfect blend of salty and sweet, the salted caramel was everything for that tasty need! So happy you liked the post ❤


  10. Bexa says:

    Oh wow Natonya! This post is making me crave popcorn! 😍 I just played the Mama Moore flavour of the week, how amazing does the snickers popcorn look! Yum! This sounds like a great product and so nice to find out a bit about the person behind the popcorn! Great post, thank you for sharing (and making me hungry, he he) 😘 xx

    Bexa |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hi Bexa! I’m not a big fan of snickers either but I might have to give it a try because I said I don’t eat popcorn and Mama Moore changed my mind about that, so maybe I’ll have a second thought to snickers again. 🙂 Glad you stopped by ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Lupe says:

    What an interesting post! I’ve never thought of having anything other than just normal popcorn, but this looks really good 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hey Lupe, yea girl try out some other flavors, especially if you have a sweet tooth it beats eating candy. ❤


  12. Sakshi Raina says:

    I love popcorn but the regular good ol’ butter salted popcorn. I’m such an old soul. Thanks for such an honest opinion. These posts always makes me sad since I can’t try out thee products by myself. They ain’t available in India and I can’t even imagine how does a lemon pound cake popcorn tastes like!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Sakshi, I like that you’re an old soul, the simple life is o so nice 🙂 Yea, they have a movie butter flavor, I need to taste too. I know right, lemon cake is so good, I’m so curious to how it’ll taste in popcorn form.


  13. Jasmin says:

    Oh my goodness, these sound amazing & something worth to try out for sure! I need to have a look if I can find a way to get these in Finland haha.

    lots of love, Jasmin

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      O man that would be so cool if they could ship to Finland!! Glad you stopped by Jasmin ❤


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