Here’s Why New Restaurants Are on My Summer To-Do List


Summer has arrived and you know what that means, it’s time for all your foodie adventures! Part of my favorite things is getting together with my sister and a couple of friends for brunch or dinner. I must admit, Chanel and I eat a ton of pizza and ramen on the regular. One time we ate at a traditional Italian spot and an authentic ramen place back to back in one day! Now that’s what I call my own personal mini food tour. Be sure to check out more on my series, Sisters Who Lunch!

Why New Restaurants Are on My Summer To-Do List
Chicken Miso | AGU Ramen Bistro

I like trying multiple restaurants in one day  explore and see what my city has to offer. Maybe next time, we’ll try five different local spots in one day to see who has the best pizza. I know what you’re thinking, bring on the calories right? Don’t get me wrong, it really sounds like a ton of food but it’s all about portion control. Have you ever gone to several restaurants in one day and order small meals? Comment below.

When you’re a foodie, your appetite is never small.

Personally, summer is not just about relaxing, traveling and creating new adventures with your family and friends, it’s about trying all types of foods. Then again, taste explorations are an everyday series for me! Seriously, venturing out to cafes, bakeries and food trucks are so nostalgic in the summer.

Why You Should Eat at New Restaurants in the Summer
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As a Southern-Texan foodie, it’s just something about a waffle cone piled high with rich flavored ice cream dripping down my arm or eating decadent smallcakes while reading PORTER Magazine in my backyard. Maybe you could blame it on all my childhood family cookouts, my July birthday or perhaps the fact I like to eat but comfort food is celebratory to my soul.

I think summer is best spent eating watermelon salads, grilled four meat pizza, buttery lobster rolls, fresh ceviche, warm honey fried chicken, twenty fresh strawberries, juicy cheeseburgers or sipping on some kind of tropical drink. For me, it’s beyond the fact of eating good food… it’s merely about quality time spent alone or with loved ones.

Slow living for life everyday in the smallest ways.

It’s true as the saying goes, “food brings everyone together”. Mealtime is the perfect opportunity to relax and engage in healthy conversation with others. Not only do you savor tasty bites but you learn something new about the person sitting in front of you. Even if you’re dining alone, it’s still a chance to learn more about yourself. Eating alone is another form of self-care because you’re treating yourself to a good meal. Plus, it raises your confidence is teaching you how to be in your own good company.

Here's Why I Like to Eat at New Restaurants in the Summer
Spinach, Pepperoni, Black Olives & Italian Sausage on Thin Crust | Grimaldi’s Pizzeria

Hopefully you feel inspired this summer to dine somewhere different. While it seems like a small task, its an excellent way to break ordinary habits. Go on give it a try, I dare you! What restaurant, diner or cafe have you put on back burner? Tell us where you want to have your next meal?

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8 Comments Add yours

  1. glowsteady says:

    Yesss, I love going out to explore new foodie options when I get the chance. I don’t have that many options near me but I always like to try as much as possible when I’m somewhere new. It’s fun and it really does bring people together x


    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I’m so glad you agree Sophie! It’s really fun to try new restaurants with people, plus it makes great conversation starters 🙂


  2. Summer is the best season to try out new restaurants and go out with friends. Especially if you sit outside. Having just moved to NYC, most of the places are new to me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I always wanted to go to NYC and try their sidewalk eating, it looks like the perfect atmosphere 🙂


  3. A Cup of Wonderland says:

    I love getting to go to Brunch – though there isn’t a huge variety of places to try where I live. It’s only when I’m in London or away that I get the chance to go out and try something new. I’m not a huge foodie but I love being able to meet with friends and be able to catch up while having a good meal! Also, your pizza looks so good! I wanted to reach into the screen and take out a slice for myself!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      That’s the best part of a good meal, it brings you and the people you’re with together 🙂 LOL! The pizza was super tasty, I really could go for another slice!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Alghashiyah says:

    I love summer also to meet up with friends you’ve been trying reach all winter and eat and catch up. I just had an early dinner with a friend. I love socializing in the summer it’s so much fun and if you miss our date good luck trying to schedule another appointment .. lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Summer just bring out those free-flowing feel good vibes!


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