Lack of Motivation, What Does it Really Mean?


Monday starts off the to-do list by meeting deadlines and organizing goals. You planned everything perfectly in advance to stay productive and ahead of schedule. As you stare at today’s list of tasks, all you wished is for three hours to catch up on Riverdale. Ahh, let’s be honest, you’re just not in the mood to write or create. Can’t seem to translate an idea to paper barely in words. You just feel like you don’t want to do anything. Is this feeling normal, is it wrong, is it laziness? So what do you do?

Breathe. Relax.

Running out of ideas, feeling uninspired and a lack of motivation is part of the creative process. Whenever you’re working extremely hard in pumping out content consistently and then all of a sudden you hit a wall and plateaued out, don’t fret it’s normal. Lack of motivation is normal. It’s your brain telling you to take a break, explore, crack open the creatives juices and stretch yourself in a different direction.

JustNatonya Lack of Motivation, What Does it Really Mean?

As an advocate of optimism, I don’t want the idea associated with lack of motivation to hit a sore spot in your internal environment. In my opinion, I believe this is the gateway to discovering something grand, a career boost or an opportunity to learn a new strength about yourself.

Part of the creative process is feeling like you ran out of ideas, not wanting to continue in doing the same thing or erasing and starting over. Think about it, when you work on the same activity everyday and it consumes you, you’re bound to get bored or want an escape. We weren’t designed to stay in the same place forever. With right timing, every path we cross in life is meant to take us to the next level.

Don’t feel bad when you don’t want to do anything, this means it’s time to learn something different.

Consider the lack of motivation not a lazy attitude or energy to give up but as an eye-opener. Open your eyes to exploring a new territory. Challenge yourself by doing the thing that scares you the most.

Some of the greatest artists, writers, business experts, actors, influencers and musicians are the ones who better their creative experience by tackling fear and spreading themselves in diverse areas. As an example, singers who stop songwriting and begin acting are not giving up their passion,  just taking a break to knock down walls for a new beginning.

Break away and explore. Expand your mind towards endless possibilities.

Use your lack of motivation as a indicator to take risks. Taking risks is a confidence booster and always sets you up for success more than failure because you’re not hindering your potential and growth. Start by doing something simple as picking out a new outfit. Don’t spend any money, head straight to your closet.

JustNatonya What Does Lack of Motivation Really Mean?
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Personally, I close my eyes and grab the first two pieces from my closet and wear them together. I’ll keep grabbing garments until I have a complete outfit. Don’t swap out anything just make it work. You’ll be surprised how creative you become. Instantly, I feel like I stepped out my comfort zone and have a head start on feeling inspired for the day.

Lack of motivation or feeling uninspired is part of the creative process, it’s normal. You’re in the stage of your journey to stretch yourself into a new direction for an opportunity of challenges and discovering new strengths.

Do something different for a change and when you return back to your main hobby, job or whatever it is you need space from, you’ll feel refreshed and revved up with new content to share.

When was the last time you felt unmotivated or uninspired? What did you do?

Let’s Connect!

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45 Comments Add yours

  1. lifeofshar says:

    So glad I read this just now. I really needed it. I always get lack of motivation because of my uni work and it is so important to realise that it is not me being lazy! I had never thought about seeing lack of motivation as an eye opener to try something new and different and I love this idea! Another great post from you xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thanks Shar! I try to spin negatives into something beautiful so we can grown into more positive happy people. Thanks for reading ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Aaliyah Hunt says:

    I know this feeling all too well! We should all be bringing each other up not tearing each other down! Great post x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Really cool to uplift and inspire others right? Thanks for reading ❤️


  3. Nancy says:

    I know that feeling of having no motivation. Sometimes, we’re just overwhelmed and need some push even though we’re ready to conquer the world. I like that you’re promoting the idea of exploring new territories. Who knows if we end up finding something great?! I agree that taking risks is a confidence booster. It shows that we’re willing to do more. Definitely not laziness! Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      So glad you agree with me Nancy! I try to show the positive side to things no matter what because we should choose to see the light instead of the dark. Thanks for reading ❤️


  4. Eve Morgan says:

    This is such a motivational post! I totally agree with the idea that lack of motivation is part of the creative process. I think sometimes it’s a sign that you are working too hard and you need a time out.
    Eve x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Absolutely Eve, it’s your brain telling you to take break and go relax, I certainly agree with you on that ❤️


  5. I love the positive way you have framed the dreaded creators slump! We all get it and it can be frustrating at times but thinking if it in such a positive light some how makes it much less so!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Exactly, I think we should always strive to see the best in situations and not beat ourselves up when we’re not in the mood to be ‘busy’. Glad you liked my angle on this topic ❤


  6. I totally agree with this post. Very inspiring and motivating. We don’t need to burn ourselves out all the time or be so hard on ourselves. I do this a lot. Love the positivity ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thanks so much MJ! Yea I gotta stop being so hard on myself and giving myself extra work when it’s not necessary. Thanks for commenting ❤


  7. Creative Nails says:

    What a great post! I had a bit of a break over the summer due to apprenticeship work, but I also wasn’t feeling motivated, and wasn’t that inspired. I wish I was able to read this post then! I love your idea of just closing your eyes and grabbing 2 pieces of clothing. It’s such a fun and creative thing to do, but also could be challenging with trying to some pieces of clothing work. Thanks for sharing 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hey Amy! i’m glad you discovered this post and now you have a new perspective in your back pocket in case this situation happens again. Yea the clothing idea is a an exciting way to explore creativity because you never know what you’ll get and the challenge is to make it work! I always find myself getting compliments on the outfits I don’t try so hard to style 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I do have episodes when I feel very uninspired and don’t want to blog at all. and sometimes I just love to do nothing… take some fresh air, get bored and get creative again! but nothing about lazyness no!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hey Corinne! Yea that’s all we sometimes is to sit and do nothing, then come back to it again 🙂 Thanks for commenting!


  9. lexivranick says:

    This is such an important message to get out there! Absolutely love your optimistic style and tone – your personality really shone through and made this whole post feel like talking to a friend. Thank you so much for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Awww that was so sweet! Exactly my goal, I’m your online bestie sending positive energy to help you feel and look your best! Thanks for reading ❤


  10. Great post. Sometimes I feel that it isn’t a lack of motivation but more like burn out. Trying to do too many things and burning the candle at both ends! That is when I feel like doing nothing! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hi Lisa! Hey this is a great point, you’re right doing too many things will burn you out. For me that burnout leads to the motivation of not wanting to do anything but it’s actually the feeling of needing to do something different or new. Thanks for expressing your opinion 🙂


      1. Welcome! I see burn out and lack of motivation often as a softball coach!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. justnatonya says:

          I experienced this attitude in high school during my drill team days but I didn’t understand what it was until I became older and mature.

          Liked by 1 person

  11. Radi says:

    Love the way you broke this “problem” down and came up with such great ways to embrace that feeling of being uninspired.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thanks Radi! I believe we shouldn’t rest in those unpleasant feelings because everything happens for a reason, the goal is to figure out that reason and encourage yourself to do better 🙂 Glad you liked the angle of my post!


  12. I really enjoyed reading your post. Just lerned something new. I’m looking forward to reading more! Phenomenal job😀 / Michael from Grubbinwithme

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thanks so much Michael! It’s nice to learn from others and their experiences, I’m glad I taught you something new<3


  13. Laura says:

    I tend to feel unmotivated and apathetic so often. I’m glad to see that I’m not alone and that I’m not a failure for this. I really love how you write, it really captured my attention. Even though your post wasn’t filled with tons of photographs it still was really interesting 🙂

    Laura /

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      No you’re not alone and I like for everyone to feel their best, so I try to take those negative experiences and make it positive. I’m happy my writing has captured you, I want my post to be real and feel like we’re having good conversations that takes us to a different level in life. Thanks for reading 🙂


  14. I love how you how related taking risks when you feel unmotivated. I think that’s a great way to look at things. A lot of life is really how you see it. I think the next time I’m lacking motivation I’m going to try something new/risky. That would be a good way to motivate myself! Thanks for giving me a new way to look at things, as always!

    xx, Des |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hi Des, how you been?! Great point, life is all about perception and we have the choice to choose how we want to see it, we can see the beauty or we can focus on the pain. But we just have to choose to see greatness and that’s what we’ll get 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, I like it when you read my posts!


  15. Bexa says:

    I really love this post Natonya. It is so reassuring and comforting to know that feeling unmotivated is normal and all part of the creative process. I like how you use this feeling as an indicator that change needs to happen, that is such a positive attitude. The idea of choosing two random items from your wardrobe and making them work together is so fun and creative. It proves that we can step out of our comfort zone and build confidence in so many different ways. Thank you for the inspiration and I love your flowery leggings by the way. Fab post girl ❤ xx

    Bexa |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thanks Bexa! I always enjoy your presence on my blog 💕 You’re so right, taking risks and self-empowerment comes in many forms. I believe when you feel a certain way, don’t acknowledge it in a bad way, try to find a new angle to that emotion, I try to make sure all my posts have some sort of lesson in it 😂❤😁


  16. Chloe Chats says:

    I love this! I hadn’t really though about lack of motivation in that way, but deciding to do something new or take a risk when you’re starting feel bored or unmotivated is a great idea. I know it’s quite common when you’re in the same job for years and you’re not really enjoying it but you just stay there because you’re comfortable, I have since learnt to go for a change and take a risk!

    Chloe xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Me too Chloe, change is good because you’re stretching yourself in a new direction to for growth, exploring your potential and becoming wiser by gaining experience in something new. Thanks for reading!!


  17. Ruth says:

    I adore your approach to this, and it’s so true. I think lack of motivation comes from wanting more, but not being sure how to get it, so becoming stuck. It definitely helps to step away and do something else! Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      You’re so right Ruth, we are designed to want more in life. It’s natural for us to feel the need to better ourselves but when you don’t know how, it becomes frustrating. So it’s important, we step away and not wear ourselves thin from trying too hard. So happy you read my post💖🙌


  18. Madeline says:

    Another very informative and encouraging post. It’s been reassuring to know that lack of motivation isn’t just me being lazy. I’ve really been overcoming feeling demotivated lately by changing my atmosphere. Sitting in a café where I can see people coming and going, hear different sounds whilst drinking from someone else’s cup usually reignites my creativity.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Madeline, I agree sis, changing your atmosphere is a lovely tip! Kinda goes with doing something different, when we step out and try new activities, our minds automatically perk up because it’s a change and we are meant to produce change. I think I’ll go to a coffee shop Thursday and write!


  19. Geraldine says:

    I haven’t quite hit rock bottom yet but I feel that sometimes I’m slowly getting there! It is hard to feel like I just need to accept it, take a break, maybe find another angle. It’s hard doing that! Just waiting for something to spontaneously come to you is a bit unsettling in my opinion, but also that’s how some of the best content were formed. This was a great post Natonya!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I feel you on that Geraldine. Earlier this month, I vented to my mother about not finding a job and she told me to take a break. It just sounded so relieving. I’ve been trying so hard when all along, I just need to kick back and relax. Glad you enjoyed the post 👌😁

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Joy says:

    Inspiring post! Thanks for sharing, feeling unmotivated bothers me a lot so it’s nice to know that they are “solutions” for that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Yea, I honestly think that unmotivated feeling is your brain telling you to relax because maybe we’re wearing ourselves out by doing too much, just may be time to start something new or cut back on an activity. Thanks for reading 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Such a great and uplifting post! I like how you take a negative and turn it into something positive (: Thanks for sharing x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Exactly, I want to empower people, not make them feel worst. Most of my posts are geared towards getting the best out of unplanned situations, so happy you see what my mission is for my posts ❤


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