Can You Be a Successful Blogger with More than One Niche?


One thing you will always hear as a new blogger is to start off with one concept. Many blogging gurus will tell you to zone in one area of topics and that will make you more successful than balancing lots of different things. In other words, it’s better to make separate blogs for each area.  For example, a cupcake blog should be independent from your skincare blog. The idea is to become an expert in one niche versus several subject points so people will associate you as an expert with one particular area. Therefore, a natural hair blogger would only write about haircare on his or her website. 


Some blogging professionals say when a blogger dabbles in several niches, it’s overwhelming for the audience and they lose interest because they don’t know where to place their focus. Let me explain this from another angle, such as restaurants and menus. If a menu has a ton of options, the customer may feel lost in what to pick for their meal. Whereas a menu with fewer choices will cause the customer to easily find something to eat, making their dining experience a bit more pleasant and more likely they’ll come back for more.  

My Secret to Never Running Out of Blogging Content

BLOGGING CONTENT TIPS Teachers, writers, designers, content creators, parents, entrepreneurs, athletes, nurses, influencers, executives, musicians, children, students, artists or just everyday people are all born with the concept of perspective. No matter the job title or position and not even your financial status, we all…

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Sticking with One Niche in Blogging Makes it Easier for the Reader but What about the Writer?

Behind this idea is the creator will better craft those limited options to the fullest capacity in top quality versus releasing several things that’s half decent. For an in depth example, let’s take a hamburger joint that sells 3 varieties of burgers and a choice of fries or onion rings. In theory, they will always nail the flavor of their food every time because they only make 5 things daily, so it’s easy to produce. However, a hamburger shop selling 5 burger options, fried chicken strips, grilled chicken sandwich, hot dogs, steak fries, curly fries, onion rings, choice of side salad, along with 3 different milkshake flavors will in theory not make each item as well because they have 15 things to perfect each time. 

Tips on How to Be a Multi-Niche Lifestyle Blogger

Sounds pretty understanding why less is better for the consumer but is less genuinely better for the creator? Yes the customer comes first and it’s important to cultivate a blogging experience convenient for the reader but what happens if it’s not comfortable for you? What if you get bored writing about the same things over and over? What if you want to share more than one passion? Does this mean you have to forgo your blog or start over with a new one every time you want to try something unique because gurus say you need to focus on one thing at a time? Do you have to follow those invisible blogging rules to be successful?

Here’s Why It’s Ok to Have More than One Niche in Blogging

In my opinion, the focusing on one niche concept is great because it will make things easier in terms of finding your target audience and knowing what to produce but it’s not the only key to successful blogging. What makes blogging so great is there are no rules. In fact, you create your own rules. Yes, there are strategies a blogger could do to enhance financial opportunities, rack up stats and increase website traffic but you don’t need to follow an oracle of rules for a career breakthrough.

I believe writing about things that fuel the fire inside of you is what makes it acceptable to have more than one niche. Passion, integration and consistency are key. Now, I’m not saying write about 9 unrelated topics on random things you like because that may be overwhelming for one person to keep up alone. However, you can be a successful blogger and blog about many topics, just narrow it down to your top 5 and it keep it on rotation. Here’s a helpful tip to stay organized an allow your categories to flow together.

How to Integrate Many Topics on a Blog for a Cohesive Theme

It’s easy to slap on the title lifestyle blogger and write about various things but if those things don’t have a common theme, then it’ll feel confusing to the reader. I’m still outlining my new lifestyle blogging journey but I know I want the overall theme to rely on positivity and being your best self in a stylish way.

How to Blog About Many Topics on One Site?

My blog is about enhancing a better lifestyle through self-appreciation, style and positive energy. It’s fashion focused because that’s something I care about but it’s not circulated around only fashion. Overall my top 5 categories are: fashion, beauty, food, lifestyle and content creator tips. My slogan is lifestyle vibes of a fashion enthusiast and it’s about cultivating this fashionable lifestyle that’s simple, fun and with a feel-good energy. So my topics include healthy yet tasty food to encourage you to feel comfortable with your body, developing personal style, body positivity, fashion creator tips, skin and haircare secrets. 

All my topics are geared towards selfcare with a fashion forward element. However, if I was to blog about furniture, which is something that I like, it doesn’t flow. Yes furniture can be stylish and it’s certainly a lifestyle element but it doesn’t necessarily flow with the selfcare vibe I’m aiming towards. So I don’t include it on my blog.

What the Audience Wants vs. What You Should Write

Blogging is not just about what the audience wants to read, ranking high on Google, getting 10k views a month or even raking up money in affiliate marketing. While some bloggers may use their blog as a personal space to express themselves for pure entertainment or as a business opportunity, I use my blog as a self-care educational outlet with a fashion theme and positivity backdrop for one to become the best version of herself. I’m sharing my ideas on what I think is helpful and not necessarily what is today’s most popular topic. 

I believe when you’re blogging from an authentic place and with purpose, you won’t have to worry about the numbers, who’s reading, your Google ranking or others buying your affiliated links, those things will come as a reward. 

Can You Have a Successful Blog with Multiple Niches?
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I could blog make my blog focused on haircare because of this viral post I wrote in 2020. But I don’t only want to blog about haircare. My post about Getting a Snatched Waist  Like Beyonce has so many views but I don’t always want to blog about fashion tips. Funny enough, each category I write about has had a post go viral from Pinterest. This has made me realize, I don’t need to stick to one niche to be successful, people are reading all types of post from me. Maybe because what I overall blog about not only comes from passion but flows together. Here are a few lifestyle bloggers I enjoy reading their content because they all write with passion and all their topics are cohesive. 

Successful Multi-Niche Bloggers

A few blogging gurus will tell you that if your end goal is to make a 6 figure salary from blogging, then you need to write about what’s relevant, trending and most popular. You need to narrow down to one niche and explore that topic to the fullest so people will view you as a category expert. Ok, yes some of this is true. I do believe that whatever you decided to blog about, you need to know enough about the topic and give 100% coverage.

However, the well-rounded sites do just as well when it comes to making money and establishing a presence as a professional. My all time favorite multi-niche blogger is Victoria McGrath from IntheFrow.

In my opinion, she is the queen of a luxury fashion aesthetic and yes she has impeccable style, but fashion is not her only specialty. Her award-winning blog provides an easy feel to multi-topics such as skincare, travel, career tips, life advice and wellbeing.

Here’s a few bloggers to check out that have more than one niche and super successful. I’ll share their Instagram and blog link!

Thamarr Guerrier  | Musings of A Curvy Lady

Camila Coelho | CAMILA COELHO



Follow Your Own Rules and Path

I hope this post inspires you to write about what you want even if it’s unpopular or not trending. Blog about what’s important to you and tailor it as entertaining yet helpful to others. You set your own rules and follow them to the fullest. 

Don’t be afraid to enjoy your journey. You don’t have to follow what other bloggers do or even organize your blog to the degree experts suggest. Do everything from the heart with passion and all good things will follow. So yes, it is absolutely fine to blog about many things on your website. It’s not a complex formula to follow when blogging about lots of topic, just pick your top 5 and make sure you tie everything together. I’m still ironing out my blog and organizing my main topics but it feels fun to write about many things and know I’ll be successful. 

What are your opinions on blogging with more than one niche? Do you think bloggers should stick to one area or blog about many things? As a reader, do you prefer to read a blog about one niche or a blog that has many topics related form an overall theme? 

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10 Comments Add yours

  1. zestsoflemon says:

    Interesting I too use my blog to write on more than one topics. I feel more confident and happier doing that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I agree! It’s fun to write about different things and not feel the pressure to stick to one blog theme.


  2. I am glad someone said this because writing about one thing can be mundane. Plus, you will find someone many other bloggers doing the same thing. You have to diversify yourself to deal with changing trends. Especially if you want views from the general public and not just bloggers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Excellent point! If we all stuck to one area, it would feel like everyone is writing about the same thing. I believe stretching yourself a bit will overall help you stand out from the crowd. I started off writing about body positivity but discovered people value my sensitive skincare tips and high porosity product recommendations as well. If I stuck to what bloggers want to read from me, which is body positive content, then I would be missing out on potential views because a lot of my blog traffic comes from Pinterest based off my skin and hair content. Very good point!👌🏾


  3. Penny says:

    Thank you so much for voicing your opinion on an important topic like this! We bloggers feel this pressure to focus and narrow down our niches all the time, and from my own experience, when I did this, I experienced burnout and writers block! It’s important to both focus on what you need as a blogger/ writer and also what your audience needs too! Thank you so much for sharing. – Penny |

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hey Penny, perfectly said! Blogging about the same area will leave you feeling burnt out. We’re all complex individuals and need breathing room to stretch our arm and legs. It’s important to blog about your passion but it doesn’t have to be limited. So happy you enjoyed the post!


  4. Chloe says:

    This is so helpful thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I’m glad my blog post was helpful!


  5. When I first started, every article I read about blogging said to stick to one niche. I didn’t listen. I blogged about whatever I wanted and categories came up along the way. I’ve seen other bloggers start off with a niche area and then expanded later on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Yes, I’ve seen that too where bloggers might start off in fashion but venture out into interior design and home decor while still maintaining an overall fashion theme. It’s fun to not place limitations on what we want to write.

      Liked by 1 person

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