7 ways I’m Boosting My Morning Routine


Ugh, I can’t hit the alarm clock any faster to snooze before getting out of bed. Does that sound familiar to some of you? Raise your hand. Yeah me too 🙂 Could be do to my late nights. lol! I like staying up and eating double chocolate chunk brownies with a glass of milk for dessert while reading blog posts.

It’s fun to lay in bed and watch reruns of Seinfeld, American Ninja Warrior, cooking shows from Chef Lidia Bastianich or a Chris Pratt movie marathon. I must admit all my late night shenanigans of desserts, TV and inadequate amount of sleep…everything hits the fan in the morning. (cue the silent screaming)

It’s true, a positive attitude, healthy food and sleep make the biggest difference in how you feel.

Recently, I decided the best investment to make is in myself so I started taking my blogging and writing more seriously by publishing blog posts every MWF. With my new schedule, this means my work week is SUPER busy. I need to make sure each day starts off right because gathering relevant and current blog topics is rather stressful if I’m not fully prepared.

I want to produce genuine, good quality and relatable content so it’s important for me to begin the day on a positive note. Starting the day off right leads to me meeting deadlines and staying productive causing me to finish more in the day than I intended, which is a huge plus!

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7 Ways I Boost My Morning Routine

  1. Go to bed early

    • Being well rested makes it easier to get out of bed & get an early start
  2. Eat dinner before 8pm

    • Proper digestion helps to eliminate the bloated feeling I get in the morning, which slows me down and takes away from eating a healthy breakfast
  3. Listen to Music

    • Getting dressed to my favorite tunes pumps the blood and adds joy in my step, music and podcasts are cool physical ways to increase your confidence too
  4. Say positive phrases aloud

    • Words are powerful because their is life in the tongue, so I make sure my day begins with prayer and self-love affirmations
  5. Get dressed early

    • Instead of lounging in my PJs, wearing my OOTD makes me feel prepared and taken care of, which is a great mood booster
  6. Breakfast

    • I always function better when my belly is filled because physical nourishment eliminates distractions and helps me concentrate better
  7. Digital Detox

    • I don’t check social media or emails until after I’m dressed. This method puts me first, taking care of my needs before venturing into the online world and my busy blogging/writing activities

Whether you work from home or a 9-5 shift, it’s super valuable to make the most of your morning routine. Find ways to sneak in self-care tactics, that way you’ll feel like you’re taking care of you and not just hopping out of bed to go serve people. Yes, it’s important that we serve others because it’s a form of giving back, just make sure to serve yourself too.

The beauty of morning routines is the customization that comes along with it, so play your favorite song, add some fruit to your corn flakes or even make a little mini pamper routine, just make more time for you.

What are some ways you jump start your mornings for a productive day?

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28 Comments Add yours

  1. willowmay20 says:

    I started to try and improve my mornings and in turn my day by getting up earlier, and it was great and I felt so good for it. My little girl is poorly and so routines are out the window but I can’t wait to get back to it. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      I’m glad you’re improving your morning routine, I find it really uplifts my day 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beka says:

    I’m trying to improve my morning routine as well, but it’s proving a bit difficult now that I’ve just got a puppy 😩 I’m going to take these tips on board though, and hopefully it will help me! Lovely post!

    Beka | http://www.bekadaisies.com

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      You have a new puppy, that’s so cool! What its name? I’m sure at least one of these tips will help you with your day, thanks for commenting Beka ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Beka says:

        His name is Alfie 💖 thank you!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. justnatonya says:

          Alfie is a cute puppy name ❤


  3. lyndseyfitzgerald says:

    I always struggle with getting up and active in the mornings but I find if I get dressed straight away I tend to get on quicker. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hey Lyndsey 🙂 Exactly, if I get dressed right away, it likes I’m boosted to a more productive day!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. FetchCandle says:

    I have a problem with eating breakfest in the morning – I wake up so early to commute to work I would have to wake up before 6 am to eat breakfest. Instead, I make breakfest and eat it at work at the desk, which is terrible really. All the rest of the tips are really useful, I have to turn on music in my house when I’m doing my chores.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Hey Dorota! My sister does the same thing, she stop at Panera Bread grab oatmeal, bagel or sausage sandwich and eat breakfast at her desk. I too like to listen to music while doing chores, keeps me going 🙂 Thanks for commenting!


  5. Such great tips for a morning routine 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thank you so much for reading my post! Checking you content out ASAP!


  6. julietlylillyrose says:

    Getting dressed early and putting my makeup on definitely leads to a more productive day for me. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      So glad you agreed! Just feels nice to get up and get dressed, it’s like your one step into starting your day. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  7. Caroline Agoba says:

    I love giving myself a break from social media. The stress of it all, the texts, emails, sorting the blog. I agree, you have to give yourself a bit of a detox. Great post, and some great tips too! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Thanks Caroline! A detox every now and then is always helpful 🙂 Glad you liked the post ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. hudapervez says:

    Such a helpful list! I definitely have so many of those unhealthy late night habits which I need to work on! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      Me too!! I learned once I prepare the night before, it makes the next day better 🙂 Thanks for stopping by Huda!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Nicola says:

    I love reading about morning routines. I’m not much of a morning person but I’m always working on it. Coffee is usually what gets me out of bed every day!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. justnatonya says:

      My enjoys a cup of coffee every morning too 🙂 Thanks for commenting Nicola!


    1. justnatonya says:

      Thank you so much for commenting ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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